Turmeric is a plant that is regularly and commonly used in households, not only as a spice but also for medicinal purposes. It has a long history that links it to Vedic Culture in India.

Turmeric originated in India and is now cultivated in most parts of tropical Asia. It grows on underground tubers or Rhizomes.  


Scientific Name of Turmeric

Turmeric finds itself placed in the Curcuma taxonomic group, which is part of the ginger family. The scientific name of this common spice is Curcuma longa


Common Names of Turmeric in Different Languages

Turmeric is mostly found in tropical areas, and it has a different name in different regions and cultures. So let’s look at various names of Turmeric in different languages. 

Common Names around the Globe

Turmeric is addressed with different local names around the globe. Many languages have adopted the version of the scientific name of this herb.













Common Names in India

Most of the languages which have its origin from the Sanskrit language has a similar undertone of the name of Turmeric with slight variation. 




Apart from having a variety of names, Turmeric can be categorized into different categories, as well. There are almost 30 known varieties of this herb. 

On the basis of duration of crop, turmeric can be classified into 3 main categories: Long duration types (9 Months) has Tekurpet, Duggirala, Armur and Mydukuru variety of Turmeric, Medium Duration types (8 Months) has Kothapet, Krishna and Kesar variety of Turmeric  and Short Duration types (7 Months) has Amalapuram and Dindigram varieties. 

Duggirala, Kodur type, Tekurpet, Mydukuru, Sugantham, Alleppey, Kasturi, and Kesar are some other commercially popular varieties. Tekurpet’s rhizomes have the right color and higher curing percentage. Mydukuru type has a higher yield potential than Tekurpet but more inferior in curcumin content.


So do let us know in the comments below if some other name knows turmeric in your language, locality or culture! 



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