Almonds are famous worldwide these days. We all know about the beneficial property of this nut.

Almonds are a vital source of vitamins and minerals and are considered to be an essential part of a healthy diet.

Not only the nuts themselves but the oil extracted from them are also very beneficial. It has many benefits, but if the amount of consumption exceeds even a bit, it can lead to serious troubles.

So, let us find, how many almonds should you eat per day?


How Many Almonds Should You Eat Per Day?

A few almonds can help you be filled up for a longer period and reduce your cravings also. Almonds are known for its various health benefits.


Experts suggest you can eat 23 almonds per day.


The Dietary Guidelines for Americans have recommended that 23 almonds per day are considered to be the ideal amount. 23 almonds are equal to one ounce of almonds. If you want to gain the benefits, you should eat 23 almonds per day.

There is one more suggestion about consumption of almonds. As per the healthy handful logo designed by NutsForLife, you should eat 30g of nuts on a daily basis to meet your everyday requirements and gain health benefits. 30g of almonds is equal to about 20 almonds.

So, you can eat almonds between 20-23. Although eating 23 nuts are considered to be the ideal amount.

USDA has suggested that one ounce of almonds contain about 164 calories and 6 grams of protein. Eating 23 almonds per day can help you gain 3.5 grams of dietary fiber. As it is rich in so many nutrients, it is very beneficial for health.


Benefits of Eating Soaked Almonds

No doubts, almonds are healthy, but the soaked almonds are considered to be healthier.

Nutritionists have recommended that overnight soaking of almonds is useful for removing all the harmful substances present in its coating.

Almonds contain gluten, which is also decomposed due to overnight soaking. The release of phytic acids due to overnight soaking also contributes towards getting the more benefits.

The nutrient value of almonds is also increased because of soaking. Soaked almonds are helpful for digestion as it releases the essential enzymes.

The brown skin of almonds is also removed due to soaking. These brown skins contain tannins, which slows down the nutrient absorption in the body.


Almonds and Weight Loss

Almond is considered to be a healthy food because of the presence of vital nutrients in it like vitamin E, copper, and magnesium. Despite not being low in calories, it can play an essential role in reducing weight. You can eat nuts alone or eat them with ideal weight loss foods such as veggies and oats.

As per a study published in Journal of Nutrition, eating almonds daily can help in weight loss. It is useful for reducing belly fat.

86 overweight and obese people were taken as subjects for the study. They were made to follow a diet restricted in calories for 12 weeks.

Some of the subjects were made to eat 35g or one-quarter cup of dry, lightly roasted almonds, while another group was formed to eat a complete nut free diet.

The result of the study showed that the group who ate a nut-based diet observed more reduced weight and belly compared to those who ate nut free diet.

As nuts are loaded with hunger-fighting proteins, it can well assist in reducing weight. It also contains monounsaturated fat which also contributes towards losing weight.

As mentioned above, one-quarter cup of almonds contains about 6 gram of proteins. One-quarter cup of almonds also contains about nine grams of monounsaturated fats. Its ability to reduce belly fat is awe-inspiring.

The study also found that the group who ate almonds, saw one percent of reduced belly fat, while the group who ate a nut-free diet loss only less than half percent of their total belly fat.

Researchers have stated that due to the presence of high unsaturated fat within almonds, it contributes towards losing weight. The author of the study said that people noted reduced visceral fat because of the high-fat oxidation rate of the unsaturated fats.

However, you should be aware of the fact that people who noticed reduced weight had a check on their calories because they ate an only one-quarter cup of almonds. They also lost weight because of their restricted calorie diet, regardless of their nut consumption.

Almonds and Pregnancy

Almonds are a vital source of iron, protein, vitamin E and unsaturated fats necessary to maintain the heart health. All these nutrients are essential for pregnancy and essential part of the diet. Healthy-Eating SFGate has recommended that eating nuts during pregnancy does not pose any danger or nut allergies.

Many people are allergic to the nut, and so it is prevalent. Some research studies have suggested that eating nuts during pregnancy can make the child allergic to peanuts. However, it is not similar in case of almonds.

As per a study published in 2008, in America Journal of Respiratory and Critical care Medicine, childhood allergy isn’t associated with nut consumption. Nevertheless, the study also adds that regularly eating nuts may lead to an increased risk of asthma in the child.

Often doctors do not suggest to remove healthy foods from the diet if you’re not allergic to them. Although, they recommend to eat it in moderation since the nuts may contain high fats and calories.

Another study has recommended that allergic women should avoid eating almonds, during pregnancy.

In any case, talk to your doctor first if you’re going to add it to your diet.


Health Benefits of Eating Almonds

Almonds are healthy foods, which should be included in a healthy diet. Some of the benefits of eating almonds are as follows:

1) Almonds are known to stabilize the blood sugar level, thereby preventing the risk of diabetes.

2) As it contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, almonds help to reduce the LDL or bad cholesterol in the body.

3) Being a vital source of riboflavin, copper, and manganese almonds are known to boost up the energy level.

4) Almonds help in detoxification due to the presence of fiber.

5) This nut improves metabolism and also eases digestion.


Side Effects of Eating Almonds

There are certain side effects of eating too many almonds, which are mentioned here below:

1) Excess almond consumption may trigger off gastrointestinal problems such as bloating and constipation due to the presence of fiber in high amounts.

2) Though it assists in weight loss, excess consumption of almonds can cause weight gain.

3) Almonds may trigger off allergic reactions as well.

4) It can lead to interactions with medicines, for people who consume a diet rich in manganese. As almonds have high amounts of manganese, too many of it can interact with antibiotics, laxatives, and medicines for blood pressure.

5) Excess consumption of almonds can increase toxicity in the body.


Final Thoughts

Almonds have a high nutritional value that’s why it is considered to be so beneficial. It has some side effects that you should keep in mind. Almonds have numerous benefits for your healthy body, skin, hair.

It is often asked how many almonds should you eat per day to get the most benefits. The answer although is easy, but you should remember to eat it in moderation.

As these nuts are delicious apart from being beneficial, you should munch on these nuts daily.

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