What Are The Different Types of Fatty Acids?

fatty acid sources

Fatty acids are chemically a mix of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. They are essential for the normal functioning of our body tissues. Its deficiency creates many harmful effects on our body.  Our body can synthesize most of the fatty acids from the diet we eat but certain fatty acids cannot be synthesized from our body […]

What Are The Different Types of Oil?


Today the world demands variety in every sphere, and oil has not been left far behind. Oil finds its uses in our everyday life in various forms and thus as per the usage and need the variety of oil needed changes. Some primitive uses have been cooking, application, for oiling machinery etc.   What exactly […]

What Are The Different Types of Honey?


A goldish brown translucent viscous liquid which tastes delectably rich and sweet, well you must have guessed it “honey” is what I have been describing. Honey is the nectar of various flowers that the bees suck out and pass on the same to each other till each finally reaches the comb where it deposits and […]

What Are The Different Types of Diets?


Diet, as defined by the Oxford dictionary, is ‘The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.’ Diet is our daily consumption of food. Every individual has the right to select what they wish to consume during the day, but it should also be noted that along with the selected one has […]

What Are The Different Types of Vegetarian Diet or Vegetarianism?


Diet is the only way we get our daily calorie intake which thus, releases energy and helps us to perform our daily routines. Many people consume all kinds of edible items available while some restrict themselves to certain specific food items. On the same basis, a few different diet patterns have been identified, one of […]

What Are The Different Types of Milk?


Milk is a secretion from the mammary glands of a female mammal. Most of us grow up listening to our parents shouting at us to finish our morning cup of milk. It is opaque in consistency and white in color. Milk from mammals other than humans is used as an agricultural product. Maximum milk production […]

What Are The Different Types of Dairy Products?


Milk has been used by humans right from their earliest development. When milk is used in producing various other products they are referred to like dairy products. Dairy products are rich in calcium apart from other nutrients and thus are essential for your development especially during early adolescent years. Over the years the sources of […]

What Are The Different Types of Eggs?


The world can be divided into two parts the first ones are those who consume and appreciate the consumption of egg and the others are those who do not consume eggs. Eggs are oval-shaped edible objects usually laid by the females of many species. Types of Eggs While we visit the supermarket, we do see […]

What Are The Different Types of Seafood?


Seafood does not refer to food for sea. Ironically it means the food that we get from the sea and other water bodies. Seafood includes all aquatic life that humans can consume as food. Humans tend to consume everything which is edible, and from the end of all seafood lovers, I can assure it is […]

What Are The Different Types of Cream?


The cream is a thick layer of fat that curdles up on top of milk which is left to stand for a little while. It is usually pale yellow. The cream has a delectable taste and is often used for various culinary purposes. This cream though is high in its fat content, and yet it […]