What Are The Different Types Of Berries?


Eye-catching colors and mouthwatering flavors are all I can think of as soon as I hear about Berries. These are small, rounded and pulpy edible snack which is typically juicy to eat. The best part being that these fruits do not have any seed or pit and thus one can immerse themselves in the pleasure […]

What Are The Different Types of Dates?


Dates are a part of the palm family. The date palms are a native to the middle east and are consumed for their sweet and savory taste. Just like grapes, Dates grow in the cluster which is often seen hanging on the tall date trees almost 50 feet higher than the ground.  An average date […]

What Are The Different Types Of Salmon?


People often consume fish as food. For certain groups, fish is also a staple food. Among the various edible fish varieties are Salmons. It is often considered as an oily fish which has high protein content along with omega 3, vitamin D and fatty acids. Along with a good nutrient supply, salmon have known to […]

What Are The Different Types Of Carrots?


A prized possession of Emperor Tiberius, this vegetable has always been a favorite and is still on top of charts. Carrots, you must have guessed it already. They can be consumed raw in salads, ground to get its juice or even cooked. It is available in beautiful color ranging from shades of orange, red to […]

What Are The Different Types Of Coffee?


Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It can be consumed either hot or cold. The brown coffee beans do not grow as they are seen. These look like beautiful berries during the process of their growth. Coffee plants have dark green waxy leaves which have berries on them. These berries […]

What Are The Different Types Of Almonds?


Almonds are not nuts but the seeds of the fruits that grow on the almond tree. Though, it is almost always categorized as a nut along with other dry-fruits. These are sold shelled, i.e., with the outer covering or unshelled that is just the seed is sold. The almond tree is deciduous and grow best […]

What Are The Different Types Of Tomatoes?


Tomatoes are bright red and often tangy to sweet tasting vegetable, scientifically a fruit owing to the way it grows. In a layman’s context tomato is used as a vegetable while it grows as a fruit on the tomato plant. These are best used for grilling, in salads, soups, and marinades. Though usually red but […]

What Are The Different Types Of Basil?


Basil belongs to the Lamiaceae family most commonly known as the mint family. A culinary herb by nature, i.e., a plant which is used in cooking. It is most commonly seen in Italian food items, but it is present as an unknown substance in its other forms in many Asian cuisines. It is one of […]

What Are The Different Types Of Rice?


An Asian platter of a meal is incomplete without rice.  It is basically a seed of the type of grass. It is a staple food for a major chunk of the human population. More than 40,000 types of rice are known to be cultivated all over the world. The cultivation of rice requires more than […]