What Are The Different Types Of Cherries?


Who doesn’t love the cherry on the cake? Cherry the name itself brings a bright smile to everyone’s face with age no bar. We all are big fans of this small red, round and juicy fruit. Little do we know that this fruit is packed with health benefits in galore. This fruit does not only […]

What Are The Different Types Of Cumin Seeds?

cumin seeds

Cumin seeds are a part of a flowering plant which belongs to the family plants which are highly aromatic. Its seeds are useful in whole as well as ground form and are widely grown in the middle east and southern Asia. These seeds are easily available in the market and are priced according to their […]

What Are The Different Types Of Mushrooms?


Mushrooms are a type of Fungi which is in the shape of an umbrella. As mushrooms are a kind of Fungi, thus they do not belong to either animal or plant kingdom. It is a sporophore saprophyte, i.e., a spore-bearing Fungi which is edible but not all its types can be consumed. It gets its nutrition […]

What Are The Different Types Of Grapefruits?


Fruits are an essential part of our life, and their consumption helps us gain crucial vitamins and nutrients. One such fruit is Grapefruit, which is a subtropical citrus fruit. As the description suggests, it is a citrus fruit thus it has a sour taste and sometimes can be semi-sweet. This fruit was first cultivated in […]

How to Use Curd for Hair Growth & Avoid Hair Loss

The hair is considered as one of the most attractive parts of a woman. Be it a man or a woman, as long as you want to keep your hair long, one would want one that is attractive and beautiful. People often find dry, rough and lifeless hair to be very embarrassing. Rough and dry […]

How Many Pistachios Should You Eat Per Day?

Pistachios first originated in Europe and are eaten either on its own, roasted or salted form. These nuts are used in various recipes and are also used to garnish and enhance the taste of ice-creams. Pistachios contain monounsaturated fats, which are healthy for the heart and protects the heart against various diseases. It also has […]

How Many Cashew Should You Eat Per Day?

Cashews are favorite of many people around the world. You just can’t restrict yourself from getting your hands on these buttery, sweet and salty nuts. Cashews are loaded with vitamins and minerals. It is obtained from cashew trees, which are found in the subtropical climate. Though they are filled with crucial nutrients, the excess amount of […]

25 Natural Ways: How to Reduce Uric Acid Fast

Uric acid in the bloodstream can lead to the risk of gout. If the kidney doesn’t remove the uric acid, it starts increasing in the blood which can be dangerous. Therefore it is important to know how to reduce uric acid. To avoid the risk of the increased level of uric acid and reduce it […]

How to Lose Weight in 3 Months Without Going to the Gym?

You cannot lose weight overnight. You need to work hard for it. To lose weight, you should burn more calories than what you consume. It is safe to reduce one to two pounds of weight in one week which will effectively help in losing weight. If you follow a well-balanced diet and a proper exercise […]

35 Easy Ways: How To Make Your Periods Come Sooner Naturally?

Irregular periods isn’t something uncommon for women. For some, it’s too late, and for others, it’s too early. Getting your periods during any important event might disturb you. Won’t it? Often, you might wish that your periods come sooner if any critical occasion is near. There are some natural ways by which you can induce […]